
Monday, June 30, 2003

It finally feels like summer is here - although I do still have to go to work but the rest of my time is now mine. The show was great fun and the people were quite a trip but there's something so intoxicating about an open block of time with nothing in it. Granted there are things in it -dinner dates, projects, travel etc. but they all seem optional and freely chosen unlike a rehearsal schedule at times. Not complaining mind you! It is very fun to be involved on a production especially when you don't have to pay for the space, plan the schedule, contact the designers etc. So good clean fun was had by all but now the summer seems open and free again as if I could just walk out the office door at 5pm and just wander aimlessly to my heart's content-I won't but I like the feeling that I could. This is the closest sensation to those childhood summer vacation days-the last day of school-ah...

Friday, June 27, 2003

Got the new GUI
Now I understand the joy
pretty AND useful

what I was gonna say was:

Krispy Kremes in house
Too much too sweet too yummy
Someone save me please

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Today is hump day
Do people still know that term?
Coasting downhill now

Monday, June 23, 2003

Entering home stretch
That wasn't so bad was it?
Ask again Friday

Friday, June 20, 2003

sleepy sleepy sleep
who'd of thunk it - just waiting
makes a girl tired

Monday, June 16, 2003

Snippets of a semi obsence opera drifting through my head throughout the day-
trying hard not to accidentally start singing "His falafelacious honor...fa la la la la la la"
Unable to turn it off altogether
blocking, cues, choreography, lyrics
all occupying my subconsious for the time being
What an odd process
slowly filling our brains, saturating ourselves with all things "Vera"
then when it is over we have a ritual forgetting - together
we drink and scream and laugh and let go of all that meticulously stored erudition
making room for the next invading force

Friday, June 13, 2003

I just got inspired and my spirits somewhat lifted. An exceptional thing on a day when the drizzling weather outside so clearly reflects the gloom and doom inside me (when I think of current politics.) Its a long read but really educational and well worth it I think-what's wrong with a little history now and then? Nothin when it shows you were you are headed.

Excerpt from: Bill Moyers' speech at the Take Back America Conference - Wednesday 04 June 2003

What I do know is this: While the social dislocations and meanness that galvanized progressives in the 19th century are resurgent so is the vision of justice, fairness, and equality. That's a powerful combination if only there are people around to fight for it. The battle to renew democracy has enormous resources to call upon - and great precedents for inspiration. Consider the experience of James Bryce, who published "The Great Commonwealth" back in 1895 at the height of the First Gilded Age. Americans, Bryce said, "were hopeful and philanthropic." He saw first-hand the ills of that "dark and unlovely age," but he went on to say: " A hundred times I have been disheartened by the facts I was stating: a hundred times has the recollection of the abounding strength and vitality of the nation chased away those tremors."

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Oh! Tasti-di-lite
Of the odes and praises sung
None can capture your glory

Monday, June 09, 2003

Today I am put in mind of an old tune-sing along if you know the words:
Come back! Come back! I feel like a ti - re with a tack!
Mah honey's now in or around Manchester (england england, across the atlantic sea and he's a genius genius....)
so in the post birthday calm I am wanting to share the silly stories and funtimes but I'll have to wait a little longer. Its good he's missing all this crazy rehearsing cause he hates us being in the same town and not being able to hang out together all the time (awww) so there's some consolation. Also there is the caring and highly entertaining diversions created by my sweet friends to keep me from deflating in the absence of mah honey. Thanks all you nice people-this is a shout out.
I do feel so lucky

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Hurry up and wait. Thats the story of my life these days-horrible technical problems at work-call, check, report, wait- repeat. Rush to rehearsal, sit in the hall, do a three second bit, sit in the hall. Try not to laugh at opera face. continue. Can't complain too much though cause now its only THREE DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY!! Not to be an obnoxious brat but I really like to enjoy the build up and give my self these little allowances-and maybe some new shoes.

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