
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Dear funtimestwo,
How do I enjoy my slacker funtimes time off when I dont know when/if the money is going to start rolling back in?
Still in Pajamas at 12:57

Dear PJs
I know just what you mean - I too had a major relocation and endured the uncertain first months - nearly paralysed and certainly not enjoying myself - terrified to spend any money-waiting around the house (pre cell phones for the masses) for that one important phone call. I too greeted my rmlp at the door in pjs much too late in the day...Had I the chance to relive all that glorious free time here's a sampling of what I'd do (some productive, some goofy):

-Make really creative "couture" clothing items out of old tee shirts that I can't bring myself to throw away and/or hand alter/customize clothes that I like a lot but don't wear all the time - I'm not much of a seamstress but hand stiching just makes you feel so productive

-Make cool pillow covers out of clothes that you messed up trying to "customize" them

-Have a conversation with my cat using "cat speak" - which consists of staring until the other looks away or blinks - if the other blinks - imitate the blink back at them and see how long that goes on for...

-Find the nearby holistic/alternative/eastern hotspots nearest me and talk to the proprietors about whats a highly trained accupunturist and herbals teacher to do for fun - read all the bulletin boards (at the health food store too) to find out about any lectures, seminars or healthcare organizations that would be cool for networking - oh wait this is in the wrong list...

-plan a meal using just the stuff you've already got in the kitchen - make it gourmet-make something for the week that you can change up without too much trouble

-figure out how to make the best orange cake in the world - from scratch (or biscuits from scratch)

-Turn on your favorite album and dance around like a crazy person til you accidentally dance by a reflective surface and crack yourself up

-DO NOT TURN ON THE TV - it is the soul sucking self haterd maker - see if you can make it until prme time without it

-Try to set a timer on your computer cruising too - it can sap your strength and steal your day

-Make a list of things you wish you knew more about - general things- then go to the library fun and nostalgic ...get out all the big gigantic picture books on Chicago architecture, arts n crafts etc and see how much you've already seen since you've been there (that might only appeal to me)

-Check out movies that you've always meant to see from the library

-Chcek out the free tourist activities - like walking tours (sometines the AIA hosts really cool ones) and take advantage

-Go to all the free introductory classes in your area - tai chi, african dance, karate, etc.

-Find a cool coffee shop, diner or the like and become a coffee regular - a cheap way to leave the house, get your day stared and maybe find out more about your neighborhood

-Be sure and bring a copy of the free weekly paper (like the village voice) on the day it comes out and find at least one cool thing to do in the coming week

-Listen to the radio all day and try and win free tickets to stuff

-Take all the free IQ and aptitude tests offered at your local dianetics center- ick

-Volunteer for something that is related to your area of expertise or for a political campaign

Does it help to remember you can generally either have time or money but rarely both? This is your chance to have precious time - money will certainly come later.
Now go out there and make us working stiffs jealous!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

trying to somehow fix the comments - but what do I know?

The illustrious run of "Who Whacked the Putter?" is now concluded - I had a great time singing and strutting to silly blues numbers in my platform knee-high boots - taunting people with twizzlers and the like. I met some really cool folks and remembered that I really like singing and showing off a little so all in all it was a success.

Now that I'm not in a show and not fairly snott addled I realize that I do have to clean the house some times and buy groceries and go to work and the like...During the slacker days I really for thefirst time in my adult life just allowed myself to be very messy and just leave crap where it fell- overstuffing the trash can rather than taking it out and leaving my clothes all over the floor and just laying on the couch and watching tv til my early-as-possible bed time and only eating lipton noodle soup for days - the sink full of every bowl we have and spoons. Ah it was fun while it lasted, I recommend occasional vacations like that....but now some of my energy has returned and I must return to realtive normalcy - that's not to say there aren't clothes on the floor - they are just all in one room now.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

time for a new post - geez - but what to relate - the exciting saga of how I challenged a youngster who was litering in front of my favorite coffee shop (think "social contract") - nah
Shall I relate silly tales of the cute and goofy putt putt musical I'll be performing in this weekend at collective unconscious (thurs, fri, sat at 8pm who whacked the putter?) - enough said
Oh I know I'll tell you the exciting news of my current post nasal drip/coughing sickness - ew gross!
Or perhaps I can write about my sadness at missing the birthday of a wonderful amazing human being - thats right Koolaid! also known as ronpunch! turned another year wiser this weekend! I don't think I can keep up if he gets any more clever. Sad me for missing the chance to regale him and sing on his answering machine on the actual day... the distance makes remembering tricky sometimes for the poorly organized such as myself...If you are not inviting me to yer birhtday party I may forget its coming up - so sorry. On that note DAG! happy birthday to Pinky too - all the best kids are rolling into the next year!

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