
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Well twice or thrice monthly posting isn't that bad a record is it?

I am belly achingly yet triumphantly returning from the big starchy white and tubby American middle.

Branson, Missouri you sunshiny version of Vegas with flag draped gospel singing prosthelytizers replacing your one-armed bandits and chorus girls. The natural views are awe-inspiringly beautiful - the Ozarks are truly gorgeous and I'm not just saying that because I happen to have been born and lived for a year in your mini-mountainous embrace. And the aching belly is my own fault for seeking out biscuits and gravy for almost every meal (no wonder I'm taking advantage of my very low waistline jeans today - just let the new belly hang right over the top.) At least you'll sit up straight! Gives ole extra belly more clearance.

From chicken fried steak from our waitress warbling unique version of son of a preacher man to the Braschler Family Extravaganza forcing a standing ovation by tricklily raising our beloved flag to a rousing rendition of "ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!!!!" I cannot remain immune to Branson's effects. Even without extra belly I have been altered. The real take home message: there are way too many George W bumper stickers in Missouri in general. Take note. and if this worries you too, try and do something about it. If you have any ideas feel free to share.

PS check out those leather vests! Sassy Braschler boys seek new friends for fun!

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