
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I am posting with an alarming rate of infrequency - yop. But it don't mean I'm not keeping busy. I'm trying to train myself up for a new means of income production - or else get used to not havig very much extra money (which actually sounds most appealing right now)

Each day seems long and filled with activities from the checklist and strangely extended like some 15 day weekend but some days the checklist consists of not so much: "go to yoga, drop by the coffee shop, read career related book, take notes, cook a lovely meal, put off the dishes"

The current plan is to go on like this at least until all my learning annex classes have been taken then in march i have some adventures planned - visiting far away loved ones I don't often see. I feel so lucky and indulgent and not too freaked out about my future earning potential - that will come soon I'm sure though. Luckily, I haven't too much pride and will probably end up the receptionist at hair salon to support my twice yearly very expensive hair fixin habit. I am finishing up all my doctors appointments - seemingly on schedule - beofre I must decide whether to spend ungodly amopunts of money for the COBRA health insurance option. Does any one else get extrememly peeved at the prospect of spending 500 bucks a month on something that theywill not use all year? Health insurance you greedy fat idol I will cower at your feet in poverty and fear!

Thats the report from casa meisnargus - keep those cards and letters comin!
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