
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I'm a little corny, its true

Do you ever have those serendipitous days? I had a minor epiphany while on a east river party cruise (try it some time) and listening to the marvelously dulcet tones of the don piper situation(try it some time). Such epiphanies are not that uncommon for me if the live music is inspiring and the planets line up just so. I'll just be enjoying the music then a thunderbolt will burst into my consciousness and the ideas start flowing - so I had this burst and suddenly decided I was no longer feeling estranged from my former performing self and maybe its actually time to get something going. I'm jotting things down all over the cross word puzzle, old napkins and whatever else happens to be reachable. So that was the epiphany now for the serendipity. So back at work on Monday and I get two unsolicited theater related calls from out of the blue- not like the lead in a film or anything just little invitations and it felt affirming and it felt ok and I felt the presence of an old friend in me and I felt it was time to start saying yes

and seriously y'all I had only had ONE gin and tonic
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