
Wednesday, September 10, 2003

"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it." Charles Swindoll

Thanks to Josua at Sistra's blog I have some positive inkling to get me through the day, perhaps week! I read that bit above - as I do some things - and immediately connect "Yeah! That is so totally how I AM!
As if I wasn't just moping around thinking warily - "Ick another no work to do day at the office! How demoralizing!" As if I don' tjust sit around and waste time a-whining thusly: I should never complain that the worker bees are not making demands of me - I should use my time wisely, catch up! Learn something! Take care of all my personal stuff....easier to say than do. Of course I did make a table of all tasks remainig in the not so new apartment saga-so productive! Now if only I could somehow sand the rust of the punched tin bathroom ceiling and reseal that while appearing to sit quietly at work-typity typing away!
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