
Thursday, July 10, 2003

so things are calming down and working out now-in the ongoing saga below-thanks for many responses to my plea - she's glad to get out of an apartment where cleaning up the broken appliances, shredded papers and cat food strewn across the floor generates problems rather than thanks. My favorite old addage is true-it'll all work out.

Speaking of it'll all wrk out-just finished Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies. Great book but how do all her life tragedies neatly wrap up in the same formulaic way? "Everything was awful, I wanted to die, I prayed, a friend called and we went for a hike" Maybe I sound harsh but I was really enjoying the book then toward the very end it seemed like time was beginning to run short so the formula got plopped onto a couple more scenarios to finish it off real quick. Its probably me just rushing too quickly through the end really. I definitely have lots of page corners turned down. She's also so incredibly well-read with great quotes from so many different sources.

In other news, where is everyone? OK OK I know where some of you are but what is it - summer vacation or something? It certainly doesn't look like it...
here's my challenge to my private little party of readers: Its 4:45pm on a misty, chilly Thursday, what's the perfect evening plan to make a body bubbly and festive feeling (without spending tons o dough) - go...
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