
Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Yesterday after some more of my now frequent brain spasms and a profusion of garbled scribblings I finally got a semi-decent timeline together -A PLACE! A THING! outside my head to pin down these winged gnat like worries buzzing round my brain-I feel better now, almost giddy.
That doesn't mean that its all done or that it will all be ok automatically-it just means that I can fax this crap to mah honey (off gallivanting-damn rock drummer) and have him deal with some of it...so suffice it to say that its an unforgiving, tight schedule with certain allowances and B plans for the unexpected/unavoidable up croppings. We are still planning to get on a plane on December 20 Its hard too when you get the head shaking tongue cluckers - I just apply my independent theater producer logic-"We open on this date, therefore everything that must be done WILL be done by then..."- it worked before-sheer irrational faith and persistence, plus ceaseless ruminating on the ways and means. Makes for boring cocktail party fodder though.
I can't complain really because we're lucky devils to get to go see our family for the holidays and then......I feel sooo guilty but-we are going to Hawaii for a friend's wedding from Jan 1-8 so we will have the three or so days back in the new house before taking off again-It seems so crazy, such wrong timing but when excellent opportunities present themselves you just have to take the plunge-the new house purchases on the Continental Airlines debit card is actually how we racked up enough frequent flyer miles to make the trip. That plus the cousin putting us up in Honolulu and the $50 per night B&B our friends arranged in Kona and its do-able. Its almost an offer we can't refuse so we didn't. I figure January is usually slow with all post consumptive holiday climax blues setting in it will be good to have some projects to dive into-finishing the new place, unpacking, planning the house warming party-turning back into a regular human. That sort of thing. Now I must get Christmas presents, do the cards, pack the rest of the house, arrange the deliveries, what not...oh yeah and do my "work" work
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