
Thursday, October 24, 2002

Part Two-illogically preceding Part One in your visual field and also confusing because there is no "Part One" labeled on "Part One"

On the dream front: many dreams about taking classes, various schooling type experiences-One night it was an acting class at some schmancy school but ended up skipping every class-there was some discussion with the instructor who really wanted me to make the very last class. I was confused because I figured they'd forgotten me-in real life I have a very particular relationship to certain types of acting classes-sometimes they seem to groupthink and "all you know is wrong! you must only act by studying the Alexander technique for 5 years and then we can teach you how to lightly humm MMM sounds and perhaps stand still in a neutral position!" OK that little confusion is an exaggeration but you get the sense I'm sure-I actually took some post theater-training classes in Austin which turned out to be so fun but up here I feel sooooo hesitant to commit. BUT the next school dream was much better-it was some sort of open schooling montessouri approach and you could be in the community and go where the muse drew you so to speak..

Last night I was at Cowboy school, where you live in this recreation of the old west but its much more populated and fun cause its school and you take classes but you also just go through day to day business with surprise showdowns, sudden escapes and horse riding tricks thrown in-I remember on the way to class someone came by and said "hey, ya'll going to see the shootout?" and my school friend and I said "Cooool!, that's today? Luke is going to kick ass" or something like that-fun and lighthearted. Of course I was more of a trick rider-not so much gun slinging for me-but I could jump out of an upper story window and land on my horse - commencing a full gallop simultaneous to aforementioned landing...

Questions? Comments? Any good ones from y'all? Luke did kick ass by the way and got an "A" in High Noon 101
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