
Thursday, October 24, 2002

Ok so Tuesday was great good fun with Outré Isle and mah honey BUT last night The Silos kicked boootay at The Mercury. Not only did mah honey ROCK THE SKINS but I could actually hear his backup parts and he sounded so very rocknroll (as they say)
AH there are times when it is worth staying out late on a school night and infusing every fiber on your body with eau de smokey bar room. The Silos opened up for James McMurtry-which is typically a big Austinite reunion party where the Merc begins to resemble The Steamboat of old. Last night was no different-with some LA contingent thrown in for good measure. Sean McCarthy, Dave McNair, Dave Boyle-those guys. It was great fun and throughout the McMurtry show I hawked CDs and tees which turned out to be fun and got me closer to the cool clean air of the outside world. Traded nicknames and jokes with good ole Gingersol guys (like Pine-sol, see?) and sold tight jersey tees to shy boys with lil bellies that were made a bit more obvious by said tight jersey tee (but so rocknroll)
All in all a fun night although I should've drunk more if I knew I'd feel this backward today-who goes out for a night in a bar and drinks 1.25 beers-Amstel Light no less!! What a lightweight

Lupe - by the way
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