
Thursday, April 21, 2005

So I am really behind scheudle on the documentation photos but I can't quite bring myself to pose for pictures these days. I am always surprised at how much bigger I look than I feel. I do feel big but it still doesn't compare with the reality. So I shall steel myself and find a flattering outfit perhaps and just get something new up shortly. I swear! In the meantime I'll eat my mounds of various dairy products and try not to bake and eat a wohle container of those pilsbury cinnamon rolls.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Growing a new soul
Fear, joy, incomprehension
Greater sum than parts?

Friday, April 08, 2005

This baby is getting very big and strong.
For three days now I've been able to feel a head (or butt) right below my lower left rib. I think its his butt and i think he's feeling funky because quite often it pops out and does a few sassy little shakes. I think in fact that someone on the subway witnessed the electric boogie in my belly and was shocked into offering me a seat. Just being pregnant wasn't enough but having the three dimensional belly quake before their very eyes snapped this subway witness into motion. Perhaps little lefty borrowed Tiny Fist's iPod for the shaking of the rumpah or maybe its just the season. Apparently the baby can open his little eyes and "turn toward light." The sunny spring weather has inspired my little summer baby.

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